
Which of the Following Best Describes the Operational Period Briefing?

The operational period briefing is a crucial component of incident management in emergency response. It serves as a means to coordinate efforts, ensure clear communication, and provide a roadmap for managing incidents during specific operational periods. In this article, we will explore the various aspects of the operational period briefing, its purpose, and its importance in effective incident management.

Introduction to the Operational Period Briefing

The operational period briefing, also known as the shift briefing, is a phase that occurs at the beginning of every operational period. It serves as a platform to present the Incident Action Plan (IAP) to supervisory personnel within the operations section. The IAP is a comprehensive document that outlines the strategy, objectives, and tactics for managing the incident during the upcoming period, typically spanning 12 to 24 hours.

The Primary Purpose: Presenting the Incident Action Plan

The main objective of the operational period briefing is to present the Incident Action Plan (IAP) to supervisory personnel. The IAP provides a roadmap for managing the incident by detailing resources, assignments, priorities, and safety considerations for the upcoming period. By presenting the IAP, the briefing ensures that all involved parties have a clear understanding of the incident’s plan for the operational period.

Key Elements of the Operational Period Briefing

The operational period briefing consists of several key elements that contribute to its effectiveness in incident management. These elements include:

1. Planning Section Chief’s Agenda

The Planning Section Chief plays a crucial role in the operational period briefing. They come prepared with a specific agenda that outlines the tasks, reporting relationships, and expectations for support staff. This agenda sets forth the specific responsibilities and guidelines that support staff need to follow during the operational period.

2. Operations Section Chief’s Coordination

The Operations Section Chief is responsible for coordinating and monitoring the pre-existing agendas within the operational period briefing. They ensure that all operational tasks are aligned with the overall incident management strategy and objectives. The Operations Section Chief’s role is crucial in ensuring effective coordination and execution of tasks during the operational period.

3. Communication Chief’s Involvement

The Communication Chief is an integral part of the operational period briefing. They are responsible for communication planning and keeping the public and media informed about the incident status and operational accomplishments. The Communication Chief ensures that relevant information is disseminated effectively to maintain transparency and manage public expectations.

Importance of the Operational Period Briefing

The operational period briefing holds immense importance in incident management. It serves several crucial purposes that contribute to the overall success of the incident response. These include:

1. Effective Coordination and Planning

By presenting the Incident Action Plan (IAP), the operational period briefing ensures that all supervisory personnel are on the same page and have a clear understanding of their roles and responsibilities. This promotes effective coordination and planning, allowing for a streamlined approach to incident management.

2. Efficient Resource Allocation

The operational period briefing provides a comprehensive overview of resources, assignments, and priorities for the upcoming period. This enables supervisory personnel to allocate resources efficiently, ensuring that they are utilized in the most effective manner to address the incident’s needs.

3. Safety Precautions and Emergency Preparedness

During the operational period briefing, safety considerations are discussed to ensure the well-being of all involved personnel. The briefing highlights any potential risks or hazards and provides guidance on safety precautions. It also emphasizes the need for emergency preparedness, ensuring that all necessary measures are in place to handle unexpected situations.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q1. Which of the following best describes the operational period briefing?

The operational period briefing presents the Incident Action Plan (IAP) for the upcoming period to supervisory personnel.

Q2. What is the main purpose of the operational briefing?

The main purpose of the operational period briefing is to present the Incident Action Plan (IAP) to supervisory personnel within the operations section.

Q3. Which type of briefing is delivered to individual resources or crews?

Field level briefing is delivered to individual crews or resources assigned to operational tasks near the incident site.

Q4. Which incident type is limited to one operational period?

The Type 4 Incident is limited to one operational period. It involves general staff and command staff functions and does not require a written Incident Action Plan for non-HazMat incidents.


The operational period briefing plays a critical role in incident management, providing supervisory personnel with a clear roadmap for addressing incidents during specific operational periods. By presenting the Incident Action Plan (IAP), the briefing ensures effective coordination, efficient resource allocation, and adherence to safety precautions. Understanding the importance of the operational period briefing is essential for successful incident response and management.

Remember, the operational period briefing sets the stage for effective incident management, and by presenting the Incident Action Plan (IAP), it ensures that all supervisory personnel are aligned and prepared to handle incidents with efficiency and effectiveness.

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